
Cargo Bridge 2

Today I played a new game. Try this game!!!

 My teacher Mr.Lafleur taught me the Lafleur technique.
He is the best engineering teacher in Okadai.

Now I can build bridges!!!

This is a picture from level 8.

I used the following :

- 8 pieces of metal
- 5 ropes
- 6 walks

I tested my bridge with the elephant and bob stopped in the middle :

My brige held after five minutes!!!

My brige is  very strong!!!

Can you build better????  I challenge you :)


Survey Analysis

Survey Analysis

My research topic: Fruit
Target : Okayama University students
Number of respondents : (18)

(Summary)  Students answered 5 questions about Fruit.

If you want to see the FULLresults,request by clicking here!

(Questions and analysis)


Iwas suprised that Orange was most popular too.

I occasionally bought fruit at Convinience Store.
Supermarket have many kind of fruis,so I thought supermarket are popular.


I was suprised students that eat fruit everyday were few.
But, I thought it was difficult for more students to do because they live alone.

I thought the number of great ideas for new names.
I think having surveys for choosing names are important.

Students thought fruit is healthy and eat fruit as much as possible.

This survey enabled to learn more about student's perspective.


I enjoyed organizing this survey.
Also, I was suprised of the results.
I think that fruit is popular for many people!